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Code of Conduct

Assateague Football Club Participant Code of Conduct Agreement


As a participant in the Assateague Football Club, I agree to abide by the following code of conduct:


Respect for Others: I will respect my coaches, teammates, opponents, referees, and all other participants at all times. I will refrain from using foul language, bullying, or engaging in any behavior that could be considered abusive or harassing.


​Sportsmanship: I will display good sportsmanship at all times, both on and off the field. This includes fair play, respect for the rules of the game, and graciousness in victory or defeat.


Teamwork: I understand that soccer is a team sport and I will work with my teammates to achieve our collective goals. I will listen to my coaches and follow their instructions, and I will encourage and support my teammates at all times.


Respect for Equipment and Facilities: I will take care of any equipment or facilities provided to me by the academy, and I will use them in a responsible manner. I will report any damage or loss promptly to my coaches.


​Attendance and Punctuality: I will attend all scheduled practices and games, and I will arrive on time and ready to participate. I will inform my coaches in advance if I am unable to attend a scheduled event.


Substance Abuse: I will not use, possess, or be under the influence of any illegal drugs, alcohol, or performance-enhancing substances while participating in the academy.


Conduct off the Field: I understand that my behavior off the field can reflect upon the academy and my teammates, and I will conduct myself in a manner that is respectful and responsible at all times.


I understand that any violation of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or termination of my participation in the academy.

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